Qaraim languages and literatures and Karaism

Qaraim languages and literatures and its Archive Blog Qaraim Tili


The Qaraim (Karaites) are a religious and cultural group made up of individuals who adhere to the tenets of the Old Testament of the Hebrew Scriptures alone. Their ethnic and religious roots have been a subject of ongoing discussions to the present day.

Over the centuries they have developed their own spiritual and secular literature, creating their own distinct dialects apart from the standard forms of the languages in the areas in which they've lived.

The question is still open as to whether these dialects can be considered independent languages, since they have their own written traditions. These dialects include: Qaraite Hebrew of Constantinople, Qaraite Turkic (several dialects of Crimea, Lithuania, Ukraine), Qaraite Arabic, Qaraite Aramaic, Qaraite Greek of Turkey and the Qaraite Persian dialects.

The number of literary works written in these dialects is enormous, and has hardly been explored. Due to the efforts of their religious opponents, such as the Pharisees, the Qaraim were labeled as an insignificant and unimportant sect.

Since the discovery of the Cairo Geniza, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Avraham Ben Shemuel Firkovich collections, anthropologists and lingusts no longer consider the Qaraim as such anymore. Qaraim studies have become a hot topic in academic circles, but despite this recent revival of interest in the Qaraim, the linguistic and literary aspect of Qaraim culture remains largely unexamined. This blog is focused SOLELY upon research involving the examination and restoration of the LANGUAGES and LITERATURES of Qaraim.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Çom Ha Şevii-Tsom Ha Şevii-Yedinci Ayın Orucu

İyi Haftlar-Kali Evdomada-Şavua Tov

Erev Çom      29 Eylül 2013
Çom HaŞevii-30 Eylül 2013
Bu akşam gün batımı itibariyle Çom AŞevii yani Yedinci Ayın Orucu başlamaktadır. Genelde Karay Cemaatleri arasında kabul gören uygulama akşam yattıktan sonra ertesi günün gün batımına kadar Çom-Orucun tutulması yönündedir.

Çom Ha-Şevi’i (yedinci ayın orucu) yedinci ayın 24.gününde (Babilliler-Bavel Tişrei derler) tutulur.
Nehemia 9:1-10:40 yazılı olduğu gibi:
Veyom Eserim VeArba’ah LaHodeş  Haze  Ne’esefu  Veney-Yisra’el BeÇom Uvsakkim veAdama Aleyhem…..

Aynı ayın yirmi dördüncü günü İsrailliler toplandı. Hepsi oruç (Çom) tutmuş, çul kuşanmış başına toprak serpmişti.
İsrail halkıyla Levililer, buğdaydan, yeni şaraptan, zeytinyağından verilen armağanları, tapınak eşyalarının, kâhinlerin(kohenlerin), tapınak kapı nöbetçilerinin ve ezgicilerin bulunduğu odalara koyacaklar. «Artık Tanrımız'ın Tapınağı'nı göz ardı etmeyeceğiz.

Çom Mekubbal Kulehem
O Theos Mas Ha-Şem nasiplendiğimiz Çom'u kabul etsin.

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